WHY HOrses?
We rely on the wisdom and gentle nature of horses to guide people through a process that honors the past, uncovers unwanted behavioral patterns or why they’re feeling stuck, and moves them forward with a sense of renewal, hope and purpose.
Horses give us permission to slow down, be present and truly connect. Horses help us remove our outer masks to do deep inner work. Horses reflect how our body language and energy are communicated to others. When fully engaged with a horse, we can understand our impact on the world around us.
Working with horses in the way we call Equus Coaching is by far the most transformative work I've ever done. That’s because humans weren't designed to learn in classroom-like settings. We were meant to learn outdoors, in nature, by trying things. We are the ultimate experiential learners.
Horses mirror how we show up in the world. Humans instinctively mirror back to us as well, sending nonverbal cues through body language and tone of voice. However, most adults have gotten pretty good at masking what’s actually going on inside for the sake of being polite. Horses won't intentionally mislead you, and they know nothing about being polite. They just say it like it is.
Because horses have the ability to mirror how you are interacting with the world, they can teach you how to:
Connect with your True purpose
Intentionally create the life you want
Feel your impact on the world around you
As I spent time with horses, they began to teach me that I was creating my life, that the feedback I got as I created it wasn’t a judgment but just information that I could use to determine how to go forward. Understanding this enabled me to go back to my life and use the feedback I was getting from people and situations around me to create more of what I wanted.
Since I began working in this way with horses, my personal relationships have been completely transformed. In general, my relationships with people have become better. Horses have also shown me how to live with purpose, presence and a sense of gratitude and wonder.